SDG 4 - Quality Education

More than half of 260 million children and adolescents worldwide do not meet minimum qualification standards in basic education. Although opportunities arise owing to technological changes, the quality of education has not accelerated due to different factors. There is a need to set goals that will improve learning outcomes, especially for women and girls.


Our Faculty of Education is a partner of the multinational Erasmus project titled “Designing Future Innovative Learning Spaces: DESIGN FILA”, which aims to provide EU level standardized trainings for innovative learning spaces, and develop a distance learning platform at the Pan-European level.

Our Distance Education Application and Research Center and Lifelong Learning Center provide various learning and training opportunities with equitable access at all ages and for all. They have set up a substructure and established an environment suitable for the purpose of open and/or distance education. They produce viable solutions for various emerging problems that threaten inequality of educational opportunity. The Distance Education and Application Research Center, based on its vision to promote digital citizenship with the use of technology and distance education practices, encourages lifelong learning and contributes to the development of innovative and pioneering policies at the national and international levels.

Our Faculty of Education provides expert trainers to the Ministry of National Education to support them in their Instrument for Preaccession Assistance (IPA II) project on increasing the capacities of teachers and administrators in the field of quality of the special education services and raising awareness of inclusive education. Moreover, under a Malala Fund supported project, for enabling inclusive education, the Department has also been focusing on Syrian refugee girls’ access to and attendance at secondary schools in Turkey, with the overall goal of enhancing the professional competences of the primary level pre-and in-service teachers regarding how to handle classes including learners with various cultures, mother tongues, beliefs, needs, pre-learning levels, etc.

Our School of Foreign Languages aims to empower in-service teachers with the vision of education for sustainable development (ESD) through Flipped Learning Model (FLM), in order to equip participants with necessary competences in a global priority of educational agendas, and to enhance this acquisition by using an innovative educational pedagogy. For more information, please visit the project website.